速報APP / 遊戲 / School Boy Life Simulator

School Boy Life Simulator





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



School Boy Life Simulator(圖1)-速報App

ENJOY SIMPLE SCHOOL BOY’S LIFE in a really colourful way in this simulation game.

School Boy Life Simulator(圖2)-速報App

Create a house for your character in which he can life all important life moments. Place furniture, house appliances and decorations inside the house. Edit the rooms according to your preferences and tastes.

School Boy Life Simulator(圖3)-速報App

Life simulation is a fun and addicting way to make your life whatever you want it to be!

School Boy Life Simulator(圖4)-速報App

Tired of all other life simulating games that just leave you wanting more? Life is beautiful in 2018!

School Boy Life Simulator(圖5)-速報App

This true life simulator game is created for you. “No game no life” that’s a slogan of many schoolboys in the world. So you can play to pass the time while you're doing what you've always wanted to do.

School Boy Life Simulator(圖6)-速報App

It's better than real life, it's better than your life, it's simulated life! For this life you cannot change but you can change in simulated life.

School life is the best period of human life. People are learning from his childhood in the school, and also a school built the character of the man. It is the formative period for everyone. Every student should try to make his better life and best use of school life because it never comes again after the school session.

As a schoolboy you will never ever want to leave your school at the end because it’s a time when you can play as much as you want.